Updated: Mar 8, 2019
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In this article I will be discussing the power of making money in the stock market by using different strategies other than the traditional buy and hold long term for a measly 8% return per year.
Lets start off by assuming you have $1,000 to invest, if not, then start like me by saving or investing with small amounts and build up to the $1,000 mark.
There is five trading days per week sometimes there may be a holiday or two that will affect the market being closed but lets not worry about that right now.
On average if you can consistently make 2% per day you are off to a great start.
Keep It Up!
If your having trouble maintaining the 2% then I would check out some of my other videos or articles talking about how to get high returns daily.
$1,000 Portfolio 2% per day $20 10% per week $100
40% per month $400 500% per year $5,000
$5,000 Portfolio 2% per day $100 10% per week $500 40% per month $2,000 500% per year $25,000
$25,000 Portfolio 2% per day $500 10% per week $2,500 40% per month $10,000 500% per year $125,000
Comparison of Three Accounts
$1,000 $5,000 $25,000 2% per day $20 $100 $500 10% per week $100 $500 $2,500 40% per month $400 $2,000 $10,000 500% per year $5,000 $25,000 $125,000
I have been consistantly averaging 2.5% growth every day (5 days a week) with highs of 4% and lows of 1%
I started this journey actually at $0.00 out of pocket and through robinhood a was able to get 6 free shares by spreading a referral link around to my friends this in turn offered a free share at sign up for my friends and I. I have rapidly grown my account over the last 6 months and just hit the $1,000 mark
Now, with that said, I can now start my journey torwards the $5,000 mark and then to the $25,00 mark and ultimatley the $25,000 mark
In as little as three years you and I can live off our portfolio with a daily income of $500.00 per day on average which equates to over $10,000 per month.
How does that sound!?
You And I can do this by using my three main strategies for investing in the stock market.
⦁ Buy Low/Sell High ⦁ Swing Trade Only, never day trade (dt rule) ⦁ Dividend Capturing
Using these three strategies you and I can dominate the stock market!
The stock market has a yearly average of 8% (ROI)
I have changed this traditional low return per year by implementing a few of my own strategies that work for you not against you in the stock market.
By simply changing the way we invest we can make better returns in less time.
Take a look!
$1,000 x 500% = $5,000 end of 1st. year
$5,000 x 500% = $25,000 end of 2nd. year
$25,000 x 500% = 125,000 end of 3rd. year
After reviewing the chart you can see that after three years of investing in the stock market the total value of the portfolio would be $125,000.00.
Now, with that said, you can stop reinvesting your profits and start living off
daily income of $2,500 which is a total average per year of $625,000.
Now that is a lot of money!!!
How do these numbers relate to the top professionals and their yearly income lets take look.
Highest paying careers as of 2018
Physician Median base salary: $180,000
Lawyer Median base salary: $144,500
Pharmacist Median base salary: $118,000
(Career meaning: 4+ years of College, $100,000+ in student loan debt, valuable time you cant get back, and still having to work roughly 10-20 years to be able to save to retire, while maintaining your health, wealth, and happiness, sounds like a lot of work. Right?)
I am not trying to discouraging in one out their that wants to pursue their dreams. I also understand that we need these high paying professional.
I hope this article helps you in some way by providing new insight and motivation that you can harness and use at free will.
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I wrote this book in the hopes that all will read this and be able to start living the life of your dreams do not wait to long our time on earth is short and sweet buy my book today and make a difference in your life for the better.
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